To friends and people of importance and mostly without money but with a hidden treasure, an urge to question , or some other irresistable beautifull blooming thing to share  knocking on our door clear upon waking from a dreamless sleep  

  we are curious to hear you !

DO. 1

To friends and people of importance with a lot of money, or power or nature and an urge to question , or some other irresistable
beautifull thing to share and the urge to give a considerate gift
knocking on our door clear upon waking from a dreamless sleep

  Donate or sponsor !

DO. 2


Stichting Artistic Research is
identified by the tax authorities as a cultural public benefit organization:
ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)

Gifts to a cultural anbi are tax deductable !

Beleidsplan 2022 - 2024
Stichting Artistic Research

 Jaarverslag 2022

Jaarverslag 2023


1. Send your portfolio, proposal, text, brilliant idea or become volunteer
2. Donate or sponsor 


RSIN/fiscal number: 863683198

Registration number of the Chamber of Commerce: 85611050

Bank Details: ING bank
IBAN: NL03 INGB 0675 5385 21


Water Yam Box -  George Brecht